Monday, July 3, 2023

Be Still

 "I reach deeply into the rich soil beneath me,made up of every girl and woman I've ever been, every face I've loved, every love I've lost, every place I've been, every conversation I've had, every book I've read and song I've sung, everything. Everything, crumbling and mixing and decomposing underneath. Nothing wasted. My entire past there, holding me up and feeding me now."

This morning Peanut and I got up early and made a grocery store run. We needed supplies to bake a birthday treat for tomorrow.
On the way in, we have the same chat we have every time.
"What happens if you get separated from Mommy?"
I've had the same conversation with Peanut many times before.
My rule is if you get separated from me you SIT DOWN.
You STAY PUT and I will find you.
I've read several book by safety experts. It's the choice most recommended. Kids can't tell the difference between a store uniform and a uniform of anyone else shopping. The more they move around, the harder it is for people to check an area and consider it clear. A child sitting alone in a store will draw attention and an adult will help. (the other number one suggestion is to tell them to find a mom - a mom with kids - a mom with kids won't leave another kid alone until she's set eyes on their mother).
It takes a lot of trust to SIT DOWN and to STAY PUT.
She has to remember I have never left a store without her. Not once. She has to remember I have her best interests at heart. I love her.
She has to BE STILL and TRUST.
I was thinking I'm decent at the TRUST,not so great at the BE STILL.
But then, if I really trusted, I'd have no trouble being still?
I tend to think if I read one more book or website or ask one more friend for guidance. THEN I"ll know.
I'm mentally scurrying around.
I don't take the time to SIT DOWN and STAY PUT mentally. I don't take the time to find that part of my deep soul that already knows.
Mama Warriors, we are all making decisions on several fronts this week.
I know we all feel like we need more information. We are checking data, reading updates, asking questions.
The next few months feel uncertain.
I challenge you this weekend to take a break from the influx of information and try to reconnect with that deep knowing you have.
You already know the right choice for your family today.
You just can't hear it for the distractions of the world.
Be still.

July 3,2020
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