Saturday, July 29, 2023


 "When you are dejected, remember this, that God, the Trinity looks upon you with eyes brighter than the sun. God is very happy with you."

Over the last few weeks we've had extensive car trouble. My (still fairly new to me) Escape "GiGi" spent a week at a mechanic. Within a week she then had to be towed back to the dealer.
I've been without my car for 3 weeks now.
As does seem to be the norm around here, the week Gigi was undriveable was the one week all month that Peanut had an already paid for, much looked forward to, art camp. And the week our other two running vehicles decided to start flashing some lights of their own.
I sat with a calendar and tried to figure out how we get the work people to work (obviously the first priority) and if there was anyway we could also get Peanut to art camp.
I asked someone that I thought it would be most convenient for and they were unable to help.
I got to thinking on one of my morning walks that week - how is it I have 450 facebook "friends" but no one I am comfortable asking to uber my kid to art camp for a week?
I started scrolling down this list of friends and automatically "unfriended" nearly 70 people who I have not met in person.
I'm still looking at a list of the upper 300's and asking myself the same question. I'm "sharing" my daily life with all these people but I don't feel comfortable asking them for a ride?
I know that a social media "friend" is not supposed to hold the same definition as an actual "friend" but it's made me start thinking about the definition.
It's interesting to glide alongside someone else on social media. See their ups and downs but not actually be accountable or responsible for walking through it with them.
But should that be the case?
If I KNOW you are struggling - am I not called to offer to help?
This experience has made me feel convicted - am I a friend someone would be comfortable asking to uber their kid to art camp?
Am I a friend who shows up in tangible ways for those I love?
Amidst all the chaos around here, these two things showed up in my mailbox on exactly the same day.
A card with a prayer I continue to read daily.
A book to remind me someone listens when I talk.
Tangible examples of someone showing up for me.
Mama Warriors, this week many of us will embark upon the end of the slow summer and the beginning of the back to school business.
Let us all make time to be the people who show up for others in a tangible way.
Take the time to make the call. Send the card. Say the prayer.
Let's all be people who others would ask with confidence to drive their kid to art camp.
May be an image of book and text

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