Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Be the Sun

 "What if we decided that successful parenting includes working to make sure that all kids have enough, not just the particular kids assigned to us have everything? What if we used our mothering love less like a laser burning holes into the children assigned to us, and more like the sun,making sure all kids are warm? "

Part of my processing process is to choose a task. I've learned that I require something to DO when something is swirling in my mind.
Our chest freezer has had this build up of ice on it for a long time now. The ideal day to defrost a chest freezer is today. Above 90 degrees outside. It defrosted in about 20 minutes.
The ideal time to clean the garage while said freezer is defrosting is not today. Above 90 degrees outside.
But alas, that's how I spent my morning.
While I cleaned this morning, and Peanut happily played in the water mister, I thought about all my mama friends struggling right now.
My heart is heavy for many today.
I thought about Mamas who are brave enough to share their heart with me.
To say "My life is NOT perfect. It's a mess. This is hard."
I'm so incredibly thankful for that.
I spent a lot of years, when my big kids were little, hyper focused on THEM. Trying to be some magazine worthy mother.
Laser beam.
When Peanut was born, and our world was shaken, I began to ask God what was I supposed to do with all this baggage I had accumulated? Health stuff? Raising kid stuff? Finding my own knowing stuff?
I began to clearly Him say "this is YOUR mission field."
My mission field began to be SUN for all the mamas who come into my life. And to seek them out.
My goal is intentional warming.
Making people feel seen, heard, valued and loved. By authentically seeing, hearing, valuing and loving them.
Simply because they exist.
Not in spite of their struggles but because of them.
Mama Warriors, it's so easy to become laser beams on our own kids. They are high maintenance, time consuming.
But I do think if we want the WORLD to be a better place for our kids to become disciples in, we have to be SUN.
We have to warm all those He puts in our path.
I'd challenge you that where your struggles lie, also does your mission field.
Your place to warm.
Be the sun.

July 11,2020
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