Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Back to the Basics

 "Is it really liberating to believe the world revolves around us OR conversely that we must hold it all together?"

Monday night we had a rough evening, Peanut and I.
Neither of us were at our best.
I spent a good bit of Monday in a dentist chair, and the remainder of being anxious about my two teen drivers all over the place.
By evening I was spent.
She was being seven and I wasn't seeping patience.
At bedtime, I climbed into bed with her. I read her two chapters of The Magic Tree House book. We turned on the lights for the stars on her ceiling.
I shared with her that sometimes our days don't go like we want them to.
Sometimes we are overwhelmed.
Sometimes, we don't know what to do or say.
When that happens, we pray the prayer our Father taught us.........
"Our Father, who art in heaven........."
She asked me a few weeks ago why we were memorizing The Lord's Prayer.

I shared with her so when we don't know how to pray, we have something to pray.
I think that's a struggle with the world today.
People don't know what to do or what to say - but it doesn't seem to be stopping them.
I think we should STOP.
I think it's okay, and good, to admit we don't know.
Be still.
Pray the prayer the Bible teaches us.
Back to the basics.
Mama Warriors, maybe you've drifted too far from the basics.
I encourage you to pick a prayer and memorize it.
Shift back to the basics.
Be still.

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