Wednesday, February 10, 2021


 "I have learned to kiss the wave that throws me against the rock of ages." Charles Spurgeon

Our dishwasher is an older model (and a generous hand me down). It's loud. Very loud.
This morning I was running the dishwasher, cleaning the kitchen, and the house was a little more noisy than normal.
Peanut said "I can't focus. There are too many distractions."
So off she went to get her headphones.

Those headphones are not plugged into anything. She wears them when the world is too loud.
When she needs less stimulation.
I'm super proud of her for knowing her limits and utilizing strategies to work through challenges.
She put those headphones on and finished her school work.
She didn't ask the world to quit making noise.
She quieted the world.
Each time I open a social media app today, I've been thinking of that truth.
I can't ask the world to quit making noise.
Evil is loud.
Information, and misinformation, abound online.
BUT I can quiet the world.
I can put boundaries on how much noise I let into my day.
I can limit my intake.
Mama Warriors, we can't quiet the world.
For us or for our kids.
But we can teach them to set boundaries and model limiting the noise.
We can choose how much of the noise of the world we let in.
I heard this month that spiritual warfare starts between your ears.
Let's guard what we allow to fill our mind.
You can't make the world quit making noise.
But you can control how much of it you hear.

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