Monday, February 22, 2021

S'Pare Room

 "The question is not do you believe in God. The question is do you belong to him?"

This weekend Peanut and I pulled out the Easter decorations.
Though the weather isn't sure yet if we are in winter or spring, Peanut and I are readying ourselves for the journey to the cross.
We are trying to change our perspective and our scenery over the next 40ish days.

Over the last 3 days we have watched all 3 Narnia movies.
The movies sit in my Easter boxes because for me Aslan and the cross will always go together.
(Parenting tip - if you can sort a good chunk of your kids dvds by season and then store them with decorations - you don't have them out year round, and I've found we are more likely to watch Rise of the Guardians if it only appears at Easter)
Peanut and I talked about the first movie on Saturday. I asked her "Do you think you would have explored Narnia or immediately gone back through the wardrobe? Would you have been afraid?"
She pondered that for a moment and said " tummy would hurt. So I'd at least be nervous. But I'd go."
She continues to teach me.
In a year where I've chosen a big word, or a big word has chosen me, my tummy hurts. And I'm nervous.
And usually that would mean I'd go right back through the wardrobe. Return to comfort and familiar. The lesser of evils sometimes.
This year I'm challenging myself to explore Narnia.
Even though nothing in me wants to.
I think about Lucy - how if she had never explored Narnia AND then shared both her love for it and her struggle with the need for justice and mercy, both the Narnians and Lucy's siblings would have missed out.
If she hadn't said "yes" when asked to fly, then generations would have been different.
I think I don't always think of my yes as potentially having larger impacts than the immediate inconvenience.
Mama Warriors, perhaps during this season of Lent you feel yourself wandering inside the Narnia wardrobe. Maybe you feel tugged to leave "S'pare Room" and follow His voice.
Even if your tummy hurts, I encourage you to take the small step.
I definitely think it will be challenging. And at times painful and stretching.
BUT just like Lucy always feels at peace with Aslan - I think you too will find comfort in knowing you never leave the wardrobe alone.

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