Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Finding Your Wow or This

 "I am writing because sometimes we are closer to the truth in our vulnerability than in our safe certainties."....."This is also part of why we are praying."

Yesterday I watched a sermon on time management.
The preacher said "Time is measured in minutes but a LIFE is measured in moments. "
He talked about how we often say we have been alive followed by the number of years since our birth.
But can we really count all those moments as LIVING?
He told a story of a young man who remembers a field trip to the Empire State building at a time when it was the tallest building. He recalls stepping off the elevator and looking out at the vastness - drawing a deep breath - and thinking "Wow!" In that moment, he felt really alive.
Our life is made of "Wow" moments. Moments that literally take our breath away.
We pondered this at dinner last night and decided life is also made of "This" moments. Those moments that give you utter peace. Moments you know you are where you are supposed to be and everything seems clear.
We shared some of our "Wow" and "This" moments.
I was surprised at the choices all 3 children shared. I challenge you to ask this at your dinner table. It's enlightening.
Aside from the obvious options of the days I gave birth to each of the children, I found it challenging to list "Wow" moments. Moments where I can recall being overcome with emotion. Moments where I felt truly alive.
"This" moments came a little easier for me.
The moment on 4/1/2001 where I stood in the lobby of the chapel. Wedding gown on. Hand in my stepfather's hand.
He looked at me and said "We don't have to do this. It's not too late. We can go out these doors. We can go grab a beer. " He even went as far as to open the exterior doors, possibly throwing the wedding planner for a scare.
I looked at both sets of doors and knew, with "This" peace that walking down the aisle was the path for me. Totally peace.
Last week I handed a small group of middle schoolers a circle and told the story of a radius and diameter. The great circumference. "This" moment for me. Total peace with standing in. With sharing my gifts.
This morning Peanut had a bad dream. Crawled into bed with me at some too dark hour. As I pulled her footed pj body toward me, I smelled that back of the neck smell that kids somehow outgrow, and thought "This." Being her peace IS my peace.
The preacher in this message mentioned that having good time management is being a good STEWARD.
We won't find our "Wow" or our "This" if we don't learn to be responsible with our time.
Mama Warriors, I think we are destined to have both the "Wow" and the "This" moments.
I think we have to seek them.
Make space for them.
Intentional Living.
If you'd like to share, I'd love to hear your "Wow" or "This."

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