Sunday, February 7, 2021

Reading Glasses

 "Why don't we say what we are FOR by actually exercising faith, hope and love and let THAT be our testimony to the world?"

My goal for 2021 is to get caught up on all the things - the medical, the dental, the labs, the tests, all the things. I skipped them all last year to avoid more contact with the virus. Since the virus seems to be staying, and offices have become aware of how to limit contact, I've decided to use our medical insurance we pay so much for.
I went a few weeks ago to the eye doctor.
He asked me if there had been any changes.
I shared that at my last visit (early 2019) I sometimes needed readers but mostly was fine. At this visit, I can't function without my readers.
I'm now the old lady constantly yelling "where are my glasses?"
And yes, they are often on my head.
Added to the fact that I wear contacts for distance (and my vision is awful) , I'm a full blown vision mess.
The eye doctor gave me some options and we decided, for now, I'd keep wearing my contacts full time and toting around these readers.
He said "Try to make sure there is plenty of light when you are reading. You will find you can see better in good lighting."
I got myself a book light, a lamp for my night stand, and the man is right. I can at least read my large print book now without my readers 🙂
I need A LOT of good light to read.
I've been thinking about that day.
This idea of needing light to see.
Some days the darkness of the world seems overwhelming.
In order to SEE, I need lots of light.
In order for me to enjoy life, feel peaceful and be able to serve joyfully, I have to be IN the light.
It's a purposeful choice.
To provide myself with enough light to flourish.
I start my day with a sermon. It plays in the background while I unload the dishwasher, make caffeine, rally the troops.
I move on to worship music playing softly in the background. So the lyrics of my day become words of affirmation.
At some point we get outside and I play an uplifting podcast that challenges me to think, gives me water for my well and grounds me.
In there somewhere, I find time to read something that sheds light.
And throughout my day, I say prayers as I exhale.
Mama Warriors, when we can't see clearly, we need more light.
Light is always there BUT you are going to have to choose it.
Make time for it.
Prioritize seeing the light over being lost in the darkness.
You can't BE the light until you can SEE the light.
Let your light shine so others can see the good that you do and praise your father in heaven.
My kids and I memorized that verse our first year of homeschooling and nicknamed our little school "Star Academy" after it.
Shine like a star.
May be an image of sunglasses

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