Monday, February 15, 2021

Hard Stories

 "Listen to ideas that make you think hard — not just opinions that make you feel good."

I've been working on this book for a few days.

Have you ever had a book's story really bother you?
I'm going to confess. I haven't slept well since I started reading this book. In the night I am dreaming of the awful scenes in the book.
But now, I'm attached to Lavinia. I have to know what happens to her. So I keep reading.
Some stories are like that.
They are hard to read but you know you must.
Both because I've become attached to some of the characters, but also because I think hard stories have something to teach us.
This book challenges me to think about some of those challenging conversations - of race, gender and class. Of where we come from. And ponder how far have we come? Where are we going?
I listened to a podcast last week that challenged me to think about what I allow into my heart.
I've noticed since reading this book, since allowing this content in, I've changed what pours out.
We have to be cautious what we allow to alter our soul.
Mama Warriors, this afternoon I'm going to brew a cup of tea and finish this book.
Though I think Lavinia's story will haunt me a bit.
My heart will continue to hurt a bit for the fiction story based on a mix of historical truths.
There are things about our past I will never quite understand.
But I do know that unless I grapple with them, ask the hard questions, and wrestle with how we move forward, we won't be a changed people.
Let us learn from hard stories.
Let's read them anyway.
*For my reader friends - this takes place during slavery in the south - some reviews criticize that it's "too much" and in some ways I might agree, but it is a slight twist on other things I've read from this time period *

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