Monday, February 1, 2021

Laughing Gas

 "Asking for help is hard. But changing the way you are doing things is even harder."

In case you were wondering, peace that surpasses all understanding is not found at the dentist office.
At least not if you are me.

If you know me, you know the dentist is my kryptonite. It takes both medication and nitrous oxide to get me into this chair.
During my health challenges, I took a break from the anxious dentist visits and thus now owe them 6 more dental visits to finish all the work that needs to be done (I started out with 9 so I'm getting there on the slow train).
If you've skipped dental visits, this is your PSA - stop what you are doing, schedule the appointment.
If you've never had nitrous oxide at the dentist, I'll give you my tip.
In order for it work you have to lean into it.
You have to CHOOSE to relax.
If you continue to focus on the procedure, your brain will over rule the gas and you will continue to be anxious.
You have to CHOOSE the gas as what you focus on. The steady breathing in and out. Allowing your body and your mind to relax.
It's seriously worth every penny of the junk fee they charge me to use it. I have one side effect from it (shivering) and seeing as I run hot, that's a welcome change as well.
As I sat there today, breathing in oxygen to clear the nitrous oxide so I could leave the office, I was thinking.
I wonder how I capture that feeling?
That feeling of complete peace.
I'm pretty sure they aren't letting me leave there with my strawberry scented nose and tank.
Peace that surpasses all understanding. My brain and body know we are navigating excessive dental procedures that normally make me super nervous but I'm ready to take a nap.
I think this must be what it's like for people who manage to surrender completely to God's will and trust blindly.
You definitely still feel some slight discomfort under laughing gas but it's quickly pushed aside by this feeling that it's all okay.
Mama Warriors, I think that's how we are supposed to approach our days.
It's okay, and healthy, to feel the emotions of the day. To feel the grief, the discomfort, the anxiety, the fear.
BUT......I think we're supposed to land in this feeling that it's all okay.
That His plan, in His timing, in His way - is what we are leaning into.
The idea that it won't be perfect.
It will be messy.
That crazy is how it's supposed to be.
If we can relax INTO that, we can find joy even during something as challenging as a dental visit.

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