"Wrestling with the Bible releases it from the prison we build for it."
I woke up about two months ago with hives on my legs, that soon became a head to toe discomfort. Over the last two months, I've seen 3 doctors, tried multiple oral and topical medications. And basically, they are here to stay. The severity of them decreases with some things, but nothing has made them completely go away.
They are my new norm. Itching is my new norm.
I've been thinking this weekend how I have been unable to write. Not two sentences in a card and certainly not Mama Warrior posts since all this began.
One of my favorite speakers says something like "Reading is my inhale, writing is my exhale."
I realized, I've been holding my breath.
Trying to stabilize myself. Again. In an uncomfortable health storm.
Finding that balance between accepting where I'm at and hoping it will be different.
Holding captive the thoughts that it's something bigger than is suspected.
It's been interesting to me how quickly we accept something as our new norm.
We come to this place where we slowly slip to accepting less as okay.
I thought about how this is true of relationships.
How easy it is for our relationships with others to slowly slip to less.
And how we become okay with that.
How sometimes we don't even notice it.
How a disconnect becomes our new norm.
This week we celebrate the anniversary of our Xman's baptism, and the Princess' acceptance of Christ.
I've been thinking about how we begin so excited in our relationship with Jesus.
All in.
But do we notice when our norm slips?
Mama Warriors, it's no secret summer is not my favorite. Beside the ridiculous heat, the days lack structure and routine and seem to create chaos after a bit. Or couch potatoes.
Perhaps in the chaos of summer, your norm has slipped.
Perhaps a disconnect has become your new norm.
I encourage you exhale.
Establish a norm that feeds your soul.
Hope for different.