Monday, June 24, 2024

God is in the Bathroom

"Some people think God is in the details, but I have come to believe that God is in the bathroom."

I read that quote earlier this week, and it has made me both ponder and giggle. So, I'm thinking it's fridge worthy. 

Perhaps it's funny to me because of all my gastro troubles and how important bathrooms have become. 

Perhaps it's funny to me because I'm a mom and the bathroom seems to be the place I'm most frustrated that people can't just WAIT for me, why they must walk past their father on the couch to bang on the door to want to know where the Doritos are when I'm in the bathroom? 

Perhaps it's funny to me because some of my most profound conversations with total strangers happen in the bathroom while washing my hands or waiting in the never ending lines for women's restrooms. 

Perhaps it's funny to me because I have this fixation now on knowing where all the bathrooms are. Much like I'd like to know up front where God is working. Where I can expect to find Him. 

16 Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 17 For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. 18 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. 2 Cor 4:16 - 18

That "outwardly we are wasting away" part has stuck with me the last few years. As at times I am the not so incredible shrinking woman. Outwardly wasting away. 

I have to remind myself that I'm "inwardly being renewed day by day." 

Challenges are opportunities to TRUST. 

I think the author wasn't suggesting that God is hanging out with me during my tough times in the bathroom, but rather that God is in the ORDINARY. 

In the things you do without even thinking about it - brushing your teeth, using the restroom, washing your hands, kissing the top of the a little one's head when she says good morning, placing your hand on a spouse's knee when you sit next to them. 

The things you do as naturally as anything else - that's where God is. 

That's where He does his best work. 


Mama Warriors, I think that's why many of us don't truly come to need God until motherhood. What's more mundane and ordinary than becoming someone's mother? When your day becomes filled with the basics - nursing/feeding, changing diapers, cleaning up messes, praying for sleep. 

Sometimes I think we search too hard for our "calling" when our mission field is usually within our fingertips. Maybe you are being called to love the bonus kid you cart to baseball. Maybe you are being called to offer wisdom and guidance, or just a "me too" to the moms at the park. 

Maybe, just maybe, your mission field is the ORDINARY. Maybe it's not fancy or far reaching, but maybe it's just as important as knowing where the bathroom is. 

Because maybe, God isn't in the details, but He's in the bathroom.

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