Sunday, June 23, 2024

Someone's Person

 "There are seasons when we hold our faith. And then seasons where our faith holds us." Rachel Held Evans

Peanut and I have a tradition whenever SD is out of town.
We gather a movie, some snacks, fuzzy blankets and squishmallows and we climb into my bed for a sleepover.
Mo Trouble has recently been sleeping with Peanut in her room. Last night I was unsure what to do with him. He's not really to be trusted to sleep in a room by himself outside his crate 🙂.
So, we invited him to the sleepover.
In Peanut's room he sleeps on his OWN bed with his puppy on her floor.
I put his bed on the floor in my room. Got his puppy. Did his night time routine.
You can imagine how this is going to go right?
He laid on his bed 15 seconds.
Then jumped up on my bed, on top of me.
You see Mo Trouble is SUPER attached to me. Despite the two children who begged for him - I'm the one who did all the feedings, walks, etc. So I'm the one he attached to.
He only growls if someone gets close to me. He only freaks out if I go to the bathroom without him. You get the picture?
The entire night was a circle of this:
Mo licking my face, laying on my head.
Mo deciding I wasn't moving and laying on my feet.
Me moving. Stretching, rolling over, breathing.
All night long.
As I headed out to walk him this morning, I was cranky and tired.
He was neither of those things.
In his world, I'm the center.
He's grounded in me.
Sometimes he's on my face or in my lap. Other times he's at my feet.
He's never far away.
If it thunders, he's super close. If I'm quietly reading a book, he may meander to just past my feet.
He can always see me.
He trusts that if I go out, that I will come back.
He watches for me by the door. Always.
I was thinking about this intense relationship we have.
Me with the dog I never wanted.
It's a lot to be someone's person.
Mama Warriors, I know many of us are someone's person. Multiple someone's persons.
I was reminded this morning that "someone" was never meant to be our person.
That person that we should never be far from, that person that should carry our burdens, that person whom we should feel grounded in is Jesus.
I think we are often asking a lot of earthly relationships.
So much so that we don't make space for conflict, challenges.
We are called to love. To respond in love.
Even if the dog kept us up all night.
May be an image of dog

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