Thursday, June 20, 2024


 "Jesus didn't write a book. He formed a community."

If you know me, I rarely (because hey, never say never) engage in what I call "comment drama."
I don't comment on controversial posts.
I'm not going to sway your way of thinking in some rambling comment.
In order to have INFLUENCE in someone's life, you have to have a connection. It's because of the CONNECTION that people who love us should say "hmm - let me think about that."
Recently I commented on a post in a local mom's group and did not realize the pandora's box of ugliness that it might open.
These types of posts make me cringe "Tell me where to go to church - looking for somewhere welcoming with stuff for kids."
I have SO many questions.
So, a few weeks ago I posted them. What denomination? What do believe? What's important to you?
Welcoming to who? You or EVERYONE? Because that's two different answers.
Welcoming how? Like you can come sit down and people will smile? Or EVERYONE can lead, worship, serve, be baptized, participate in communion? Because that's two different answers.
Stuff for kids? What stuff for kids? What do you want your kids to get out of church?
Does it matter to you where the money goes? Do you want a church that gives to a larger institution? If so do you know what they do with that money? Do you know what they stand for?
Let's just say people are defensive about their churches.
I never said (and will not) anything ugly about any denomination or specific church.
I merely challenged that perhaps rather than looking for a fun youth group we should consider what our kids will LEARN and glean from that experience.
Do (most) of these people's values align with mine?
Is this the community I chose for me and my kids?
Will this be the community my kids and I can ask big questions in? Will this be the community that people will make space for differences?
Will this be a community where the connections I make will carry me through hard times?
At the core of it all, CONNECTION is where it matters.
Peanut has been so patient with me as she's traveled along with me on this big exploration. I hope she sees me modeling that religion is not a one size fits all. That there are variations between denominations and even between individual churches within those denominations.
And even if someone else's choice is not ours, we lovingly make space for that.
Throughout Jesus's ministry, we see Him making CONNECTIONS. He makes space for where people are at. He listens. He responds in love.
Our connection to each other should make space for us to believe, worship, vote, and feel differently than each other.
It should gift respect without judgement.
We should be able to ask each other the big questions and just sit in the response.
Listening without thinking about how to respond.
Mama Warriors, many of us are entering the tween/teen years. Where our hopefully our kids will own their own faith, thoughts, beliefs and paths.
I hope we are making space that it may look differently than ours.
I hope our kids know they are unconditionally loved.
I hope the connections we make buy our kids, and us, space to be different.
I'd assert that Jesus is a bridge not a ditch.
Let's build bridges.
May be an image of 2 people and people smiling

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