Sunday, June 2, 2024

Instrument of Peace

"Maybe God has chosen something bigger for me. Something I wouldn't have chosen for myself. And I'm scared."

It's been a rough week here. And it's only Tuesday right?

I'm definitely feeling emotionally stretched.

I'm a feeler. A draw in, absorb it all, feeler.

I'm feeling the feels of my people, my community, my world.

I'm pouring out.

I opened the new loaf of bread this morning to make toast and not one slice of this bread has a center. Not one.

All crust.

Nothing inside.

I'm going to be honest. I thought, really?

I kind of feel like my (obviously not Publix quality) bread today.

Barely held together.

Definitely missing something.

I put a movie on this afternoon because I needed a short pause today to not think about all the things and just ugly cry because some guy loves a girl who inspires him.

I wanted to only feel their feels for a bit. Not mine.

I wanted to ugly cry from that missing center. For me.For my people. For my community. For my world.

Mama Warriors,I know many of you are feelers too. Feeling the weight of the pain of all those we love.

When you are busy feeling, it's overwhelming.

It's hard to process and feel grounded when we get overwhelmed.

I think the world needs more feelers.

It needs people who deeply feel all the feels.

It needs people who cry for the hurt and the pain that surrounds us.

It needs people who feel wounded.

Because I believe Jesus was a feeler.

I believe we are called to love one another in a way that we feel each other's pain. That we carry that too.

Maybe if you are struggling with the feels this week, you can take a moment to just sit with the feels.

Pray over those feels and ask God to show you how to be an instrument of healing. An instrument of peace.

The hands and feet of Jesus.

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