Sunday, June 16, 2024

Breakfast for the Glitter

"The 3 things I can't change are the past, the truth, and you."

Today is the first Father's Day since my dad passed away. I can't tell you the last Father's Day I celebrated with him. 

As I've processed that relationship over the years, I remember that sometimes we honor someone by giving them the relationship with us that THEY desire. Sometimes we set our own boundaries and those two things just don't mesh. 

I wasn't surrounded as a child with many positive father role models. 

I think in part because fatherhood was defined differently in the late 70's/80's. Fatherhood was defined by providing. 

I'm not sure when fatherhood became the glitter. When fathers made this transition to showing up at all the games, wrestling on the living room floor, buying the big popcorn for the latest superhero movie. 

Perhaps that's why I'm a TV/Movie family junkie. 

I'd love to be adopted by a Braverman (Parenthood).Mike Heck reminds me of the balance of loving our kids in our own way (The Middle). 

And George Banks (Father of the Bride) ......superfluous buns and one of my favorites. 

I think our initial view of a relationship with Jesus has a lot to do with our own relationship with our earthly father. 

For many us, it's hard to picture the kind of relationship that we've never experienced. 

As I've watched Sweet Daddy's relationship with our own kids grow and change over the years, I'm thankful that their definition of a father's love will be one they can work with. 

Mistakes, most definitely. 

Perfection, definitely not. 

But he's loved them well. 

You see, when we choose Jesus, we bring our baggage of how we define a father/child relationship.

They only way to grow in our relationship with Jesus is to unpack that bag. 

To set free our idea, our expectations..........and surrender to His. 

To trade conditional for unconditional. 

To trade judgement for grace. 

To trade costs for free. 

Mama Warriors, as we celebrate the glitter today, take a moment to acknowledge the baggage in your suitcase. 

Unpack just one small piece today. 

We can't change the past, we can't change the truth, we can't change others BUT.......we can change the power we give those things in our everyday life. 

We can unpack that suitcase and make room for a new vision of a father child relationship. 

Right after we make breakfast for the glitter.........

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