Sunday, June 30, 2024

Eight People

 "I do not at all understand the mystery of grace - only that it meets us where we are but does not leave us where it found us."

Last night we were talking about how before we had children we were adventurous.
This picture was taken in December of 1999. We stayed in the Heartbreak Hotel. We saw all the things Elvis.
I look at that picture and I'm both teary and hysterically laughing at what those two do not know!
I haven't slept in a few nights. As Iaid there last night, I watched the rise and the fall of his chest. I listened to that snore that means I'm really asleep.
I thought about what you see and what I see.
I see the blood pressure medicine, the asthma scripts, the inhaler. I see the records from countless surgeries (all injury related). I see the mid 40s demographic that is taking the latest hit. I see my rock and my compass.
In the last 4 days I can name 8 people we know with positive tests. 8 people of whom we do,or have done,life with at some point.
8 people that are very much not statistics to me.
And 8 people who I think would say "it's not the flu."
I've struggled with trying to find the right balance for our family. Faith over fear. Mental health as important as physical health. Understanding that each of my kids are different, with different needs.
Through it all though, I feel confident that I can say I have erred on the side of caution for YOU.
I've said no to birthday parties because one of us had to attend a very large graduation.
I've said no to small playdates because one of us encounters more people than your family through a job.
If we have seen you, I have been totally upfront of what I feel our exposure is. Our risk to YOU. I've given options - masks, outdoors, etc. I'm doing everything I can to protect YOU.
I prayed last night for God to give me wisdom in the big picture.
More than masks arguments, school decisions, open or closed this or that.
I prayed for grace for those who don't feel my 8 people's experience is worthy of consideration. Discussion. Caution. Care.
I prayed for me that my heart will soften so as my 8 people grows,and I know it will, that I'll be ready.
My 8 people aren't some media spectacle, or government conspiracy or whatever the argument is this week.
They are simply my 8 people.
I worry that we've become a society that until the people are "our people" - we don't care.
Not authentically.
It's not our mission field, it's not our problem until it is.
I think most current events struggles could be summed up that way - it's not our problem if it doesn't involve us directly.
Jesus didn't leave Zaccheus in the tree because it wasn't his problem.
Jesus didn't leave the woman at the well because her problem wasn't his.
I could go on and on but you get it right?
I'm challenging myself today to not think of all these issues as media or political issues.
But as people.
So, my goal is to do whatever I have in power to keep my 8 people from being 9.
Maybe you don't have your 8 people yet. Or maybe unlike mine, your 8 people said "it was no big deal."
Two of my 8 are hospitalized. No they are not elderly (though that doesn't matter in my book).
I ask as you engage in social media commentary and debate,that you just keep in mind when you comment that these people are somebody's 8 people.
When you make statements with no personal experience, remember you only have the picture the media has fed you.
Jesus left the 99 for the one.
Are we willing to make our choices based on the one, or based on the 99?
Either way let's remember all of these conversations are about people.
Let's try to re-frame our communication.
Let's be people who think about people first.
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