"My heart is revealing what is already there: misplaced worship of my own comfort and control. Can you relate?"
This weekend I came across my stash off foot covers during a great garage clean out. A sweet friend generously sent me them to both put a smile on my face and be something useful after we had our carpet cleaned.
Since that time, I've used them many times to cover Peanut's dirty feet while she walked through the house to the bath tub rather than trying to carry her lanky self.
Recently, however, I have learned they make great make shift gloves. We use them at public parks to open the bathroom door, flush the toilet, and turn the water on to wash our hands. I've used them at gas pumps to both pump and push in my information on the keypad.
Every year in January our family participates in a spending freeze. During that time, I'm always reminded of how when we are pushed, we can be creative in how we use our gifts and resources.
We can make what we have work.
Sometimes our purpose isn't so obvious.
Sometimes how we are called to use our gifts and talents isn't so obvious.
Maybe we, too, are foot covers who now need to be used as gloves.
We are all waking on this beautiful Sunday morning to a world in which there is divisiveness everywhere.
My social media feed is full of people falling on all sides of current events.
I think many of us are feeling like "I'm only a foot cover, what can I do?"
One of my favorite Xman stories is from when he was about 5 years old. Xman was a fierce collector of all things super heroes. But he also was very concerned about order.
He came to me one morning and said "Mommy - I have this GREAT idea. I could put my toys into different boxes and write on them what is in them. Then I will know where they are."
I said that was a great idea and offered to provide him with bins and markers.
To which he replied, "Oh Mommy - I'm really more of a THINKER boy. Not a DOER boy."
I feel like we have become a society of thinker boys/girls.
We are screaming at each other on social media. Yelling all of our thoughts.
We are, however, not doer boys/girls.
I think one of the reasons is that we are foot covers who don't know our glove potential.
I don't want to engage in a discussion about where you should land on any current event.
Because here's the thing, where YOU land is between you and Jesus. And as long as YOU are good with that, I am too.
BUT (there's always a but right?) - I remember FAR more times in the Bible where Jesus was a doer. Not just a thinker.
He didn't see things he felt were unjust and just yell about them. Or comment on them. Or post 18 articles about them.
He was a DOER.
Mama Warriors, I encourage you today to pray about what you can DO about all that you THINK.
I think if we all prayed to ask how our foot cover selves could be used in a new fashion, in these every changing times, I feel like He'll show us.
And selfishly, while you are changing from a foot cover to a glove, I ask you to have empathy and grace for others. Allow a little space for those who think differently than you.
Remember that you are commanded to love others.
All the others.
(Published May 2020)