Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Swiss Rolls

 “Lighthouses don’t go running all over an island looking for boats to save; they just stand there shining. ― Anne Lamott

Peanut and I made our weekly shopping run this morning. We both love to shop at the Aldi (though some weeks our list insists we go elsewhere).
Peanut knows that on each trip she gets to pick one grocery item to bring home. One.
Being part of our family comes with responsibilities and privileges.
Peanut unloads the silverware from the dishwasher, folds the towels in the laundry, sets the table and cleans up after herself. Responsibilities.
Peanut helps with the grocery shopping so she can help pick out all the healthy choices we make. And then she's allowed to pick one treat. Privilege.
Peanut spotted this box on the first aisle of Aldi.
She ran to get them and brought them to me.
I asked her how much they cost?
She had to go back and check.
Peanut and I keep a runny estimate of our grocery total while we shop. I try to model for the kids how important it is to decide how much you are spending BEFORE you shop.
I also think it's critical they know how much things cost and can weigh the options based on value, quantity, and preference.
After Peanut finds out the cost, she brings them back to me and we put them in the buggy as a "maybe" because we are only on aisle one and she may find something she likes better before we check out.
By aisle 4 she has found a box of popsicles and has to decide. She isn't sure and we agree to finish shopping and make the decision at the end of the trip.
Just as we are headed to check out, and Peanut is going to have to decide, a very generous stranger brings Peanut this box of Swiss Rolls and tells her "It's no big deal, but I wanted to buy these for you. The cashier knows they are paid for."
Peanut was overjoyed - and kept saying "WOW - it was so nice of that lady to buy those for us! "
I held up my end of the bargain and paid for the popsicles, and Peanut got to come home with two treats today.
Which she will lovingly share with everyone else - without being asked.
As we exited the store, Peanut said "Mommy now we get to pay it forward!"
We began by gifting our Aldi quarter buggy to someone going into the store.
I got to thinking as I watched her gingerly carrying this box of Swiss Rolls to the car about what lesson we learned.
It reminded me of Jesus and this gift of salvation.
Peanut got to be the recipient today of a gift she didn't truthfully deserve.
That we won't pay directly back.
She does a great job at her responsibilities and was already going to get to pick one treat as her privilege.
But today, she recieved something above and beyond. Something extra.
Just because someone felt led to splurge on her.
That kind lady will never know what her $1.39 box did for us today. It reminded us that people are mostly good. That we sometimes we get a gift we don't deserve. That the love of Jesus sometimes look like chocolate.
That we are called to love each other above and beyond.
Mama Warriors, it takes a lot to be the person who buys the Swiss Rolls BUT it also takes a lot to be the person who recieves them.
Today in the Aldi I didn't say "Oh you didn't have to do that" or "That wasn't necessary" instead I said "Thank you so much for your generosity."
She already knows she didn't have to do something nice for me.
She already knows it wasn't necessary.
So did Jesus.
We have to learn to recieve the gift graciously.
With open arms.
Swiss Rolls are meant to be enjoyed. Shared.
May be an image of 1 person and standing

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