"If the adage holds true that we pour out what we put in, what does this say about how our technology usage affects how we parent, serve, communicate, and love?"
Most days Peanut and I put our shoes on and walk our neighborhood. She, and I, both thrive on routine. I've found this routine helps reset us.
When we walk, I play podcasts. We rotate Father Mike reading us the Bible, Emily Freeman telling me what the next right thing may be, or a variety of gentle parenting episodes.
I often pause the podcast and send myself a text with a quote or thought I want to investigate or journal.
This morning as I watched a sermon on youtube while making breakfast, I realized that with the visual of the preacher and the slides, I often allow them to tell me what was important. I write down what ends up on the screen. Or what's in the app or handout.
Whereas when I listen to a podcast, I have no visual to connect with so I have to really tune in and pay attention to what speaks to me.
It made me wonder, how often am I am tuning in to what speaks to me rather than what is being visually stuck in front of me?
How often am I allowing what I scroll through to speak louder than what I know to be true?
I had to restructure my time this week to fit in more hourly work than I am used to.
As I reflected over that this morning, I realized that while it was challenging at times, I still managed to get all the essentials done. My people have clean clothes. They are fed. Our home is .....livable
. I tackled the appointments and still managed to block out a day to spend with Peanut.

Which tells me that in an average week, there is a lot of time that gets lost.
I'm pondering today is what I'm filling my well with what I want to be pouring out?
Mama Warriors, as we all transition into summer mode and hopefully you've carved out a little more white margin into your daily life, I challenge you to think of what visuals you are filling your day with.
Do you spend more time soaking up nature or soaking up social media?
Do you breathe in more in person connections or digital ones?
Where are you the most present?
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