Saturday, May 8, 2021

Mother's Day

 "Jesus doesn't belong to church people. But church people belong TO Him, IN Him, and THROUGH Him."

Mother's Day is not one of my favorite holidays.
Perhaps because I have this Normal Rockwell complex where I think things should/will go a certain way and they don't. Ever.
Perhaps because one of the keys to having a relaxing day on Mother's Day is not to mother.
Some of you have produced these wonderful children who make you breakfast in bed, cater to you, write you wonderful cards, and buy you special gifts.
I have not produced those kind of children. Well, the jury is still out on the wee one, she currently makes me things and professes undying love.
I have great kids and Sweet Daddy drags them through some nice efforts every year but it's obviously not their first choice.
So, yesterday I took myself out for a haircut. I picked up cheese dip (my favorite treat) and a coke from Sonic. I came home and binged watched The Middle.
Happy Mother's Day to me.
I know Mother's Day is hard for many people, for many reasons.
Some who don't have their own mother to celebrate with. Some whose arms long for a sweet babe to mother. Some who have challenges in their mothering relationships.
I've been thinking about how we walk with each other during times like this.
Our first instinct is to give some cliched bumper sticker comfort.
Some version of Jeremiah 29:11
As if anyone in pain needs to hear that pain is God's plan for them?
I don't think God's plan was pain or unbearable grief.
I do think His plan is healing. His ultimate plan.
When we see Jesus approach those in need, we don't hear him say "This is your fault" or "This is His plan" or any other mock comfort.
We see Him gather the people in need into His fold and make them well.
I think how we comfort those in pain is to let them feel the pain. The grief.
The only path to healing is THROUGH Him.
I think we begin to comfort by saying it's okay to NOT be okay.
Mama Warriors, if this weekend is hard for you, that's okay.
If your relationships are challenging, or your grief is unbearable, that's okay.
He will meet you where you are at.
Not every moment looks like a Hallmark card or movie and that's okay.
You are seen, you are heard, you are valued.
Right where you are at.
May be an image of 2 people and people smiling
(Published Mother's Day 2018) 

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